Friday, December 5, 2008

Owen's Walking!!

Hello Everybody!! It's been a super long time since I've updated everyone on my life!! Well, in Owen's 9th month (today he turned 10 months) he finally got his first tooth and he learned how to walk, Clint is looking more and more like a little boy instead of a baby, and Ryan is getting taller and smarter everyday--if only I could say the same about me!.

I know this is more of an update on my kids but hey, they're my life!!

Here are some pictures from Halloween. We had a Spiderman, a Fireman, and a Lion.
Here's some other pictures: Owen walking(kinda), and silly-face Janneen.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another One on the Way!

Hey guys,

I realize that it as been quite a while since I wrote anything, but have been following religiously. I enjoy seeing how everyone is doing. We have some more big news: We are going to have a baby boy!!! I am so excited. He is due roughly April 20th. We are actually only 90% sure that it is a boy. The way that the scheduling went with the doctor the normal 12 week checkup/ultra-sound was pushed back a few weeks. I guess that it was late enough that the doctor said that she could possibly tell and asked us if we wanted to know. Turns out that we have an exhibitionist. The doctor said that because it was so early that she was only 90% sure, and not to paint any rooms yet, but it would be okay to buy clothes and take bets.

We also had some new family pictures taken. Here are some samples:

The day that we took these was an interesting day. We were waiting at Old Main
Hill at Utah State for our photographer friend to come take the pictures. While we were waiting one of my professors, Dr. Calliendo (he has us call him Dr. Joe), was flying down the hill at about 30 mph on his bike. I yelled out to him and he put on his brake right then, fishtailed and his tire caught on the grass and he went flying over his handle bars. I ran down to him, about a hundred yards away, and when I got there he was out cold with blood all over his face. I finally got him woken up, but he had no idea where he was or how he got there. I told him who I was and what had happened. He remembered my name and it stuck with him, but he still wasn't sure who I was. He was able to give us his wife's name and number, so we called her and got to come get him. While we were waiting for her to come I introduced Lorie and Claire to him about 20 times and told him the story of how he got there another 20 times. It was very interesting. Also while we were waiting I remembered that his son (Frank Calliendo, not the comedian)is a professor as well so I called him to come down. Dr. Joe had no idea who his own son was. The good thing is that he was laughing along with us and being funny as usual. His wife got there and she took him to the hospital. Turns out that he had a massive concussion, broken nose and no memory of even being at the hill. It was a very interesting day.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

BAD News

Just so you know, I am not married anymore

It has been 5 months

There were just some things that happened that made this kind of a blessing in disguise

I don't really know what I am going to do now.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Davis High Class of 2000

Hey guys. I was blog surfing the other day and found a blog dedicated to all of us members of the DHS class of 2000. Check it out.

Davis High Class of 2000 blog

Amanda Palsson pretty much runs it and asked that we pass it along to our friends. If you want to have your blog added to the list on that blog, you can email her (she listed her email address in today's post). There is also a list of other darts' blogs if you want to check them out.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Links

I've added links to Jordan and Ashlee's and Jenni and Brad's family blogs. Check them out on the right. If you go to Jenni and Brad's, you can see cute pictures of their new little girl, Tylita.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Pictures from Saturday

Josh posted some pictures he took (pretty much of the kids) on Saturday at Kira's house. Click here to check it out.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Kaysville Cow Movie is Live!!!

Hey guys,

Here's my first post, since I was waiting to post until the Kaysville Cow Project was on youtube. I'll have to update everyone more on my life later, but a quick update is I'm still in Logan. Went to South America for about six weeks this summer: to Chile, Brazil, and Peru with the business school.

To access the video, either use the link below, or go to youtube and search kaysville cow project, or my user name of jge2nd. It's not the best quality, as it is youtube. I might be able to improve it later.

Anyways, I'll catch you all later.

With Love...always


Kaysville Cow Project link (or copy and paste it into the address bar):

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

30 Weeks and Counting

I know that Jenni is down to four or five weeks now, and I'm not too far behind her. I am 30 weeks this week and will be having this baby in no more than nine weeks (gotta love those planned deliveries). But, Josh and I are in a quandry. We've made a list of names that we like, but nothing is really sticking out ahead of the rest. Do any of you have any girl name suggestions for us?


Thursday, July 17, 2008

not invited...

I know I wasn't invited to post here, but I had a couple of pictures from Jenni and Brad's visit.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Crafty Mom's

Hey guys! I figured it had been quite some time since I've posted anything, heck I couldn't even remember how to sign in to post anything. Anyways not much is new with us we just got back from Mesquite today with some friends. It was fun, but way too hot for me! The kids are doing good and getting so big. I really need to take some new pictures of them.
My friend and I are starting our own business called Crafty Mom's. The basic idea is that we are trying to provide an opportunity for women who make things and want to sell them, to be able to do just that. We do home craft parties as well as go to craft shows.Things have been going pretty well so far! We've had 3 home parties and 1 craft fair, with more on their way. If anyone wants to see the things that we are selling (please d0) we have most of our items listed on our blog at Please check things out and let me know what you think.
I'm sorry we missed Owen's blessing I hope it turned out well! We need to plan a summer BBQ, don't you all think??

Friday, May 23, 2008

what is this project you speak of?

Remember me?

So, Jake just informed me about this blog and that I've been missing out on all the fun. So I thought I'd hop on and say hi to everyone. It's nice to see everyone's doing well, and I"ll be sure to check back often.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's a...

Josh and I found out today that we're having a girl. I've been feeling that it's a girl for a while now, but I wasn't quite sure if I'd be right because I was wrong about Tanner. We're very excited to have one of each. Now we just need to work on picking out a name...


Blessing Owen

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that we will be blessing Owen on Sunday, June 1st & you're all invited if you'd like to come. Our sacrament meeting starts at 10:50.

See ya,

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I need addresses please!

Hey all,

Sorry, this is my 3rd attempt to post this petition for addresses. If you haven't already sent me your address I would like it ASAP to send wedding announcements. You can send them to If you don't receive an announcement it's because I didn't get your address, but please consider yourself invited to the reception on May 23rd from 6-8pm at the Lion House Gardens in Salt Lake. (The Lion House, next to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building). I would love to see everyone especially because Kenz and I will be headed to Tucson the first of June.



Saturday, April 12, 2008


On the left is us after I had proposed. On the right we are at a BYU basketball game-go Cougs!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, this is probably a big shocker for everyone and I bet a lot of you thought it would never happen, but, I'm engaged! First of all, let me tell you about the love of my life, McKenzie Lawyer. Well, she's pretty much amazing all around evidenced by the fact that she can put up with me! She is graduating from BYU this April (as am I!) and plans to get a masters degree in Public Administration. She is one smart cookie, funny, and beautiful too! I don't know how I got so lucky! I proposed on March 8th at the southwest corner of the Salt Lake Temple. We will be married there on May 23, 2008. We hope to see all of you there at the reception in Salt Lake later that day!! I don't have much time now, so I'll post again with the engagement story and how we met when I get a few minutes. I'll also have to put up some pictures of us. So, see you all soon!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Some Good News...

Hey Guys,

Just a quick note. Life is good here in Newbold territory. I have been really busy with school and haven't posted in a while. Quick congrats to Johnsons and Sanders families. Good on ya. So are you ready for my good news?...... I got Jake to promise that he would post the Kaysville Cow Project movie here on the blog!! He has been promising to do it for a while, but he said that he would get it posted before the end of April. I will keep bugging him to do it. In other news I put up a link to my family blog. I put stuff up there for family that live in distant lands, so that blog gets updated more often, but I will keep you all informed here as well.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Announcing... Johnsen #2.

That's right folks, Josh and Brooke are having another baby. The new little tyke is scheduled to arrive October 8th. I've been feeling yucky, but the nausea is going away (thank heaven!). Josh and I are getting excited to have another little one in our family, but time is definitely passing more slowly this time around than it did with Tanner. Maybe that's because I have Tanner to focus on most of the time, so I don't think about the new one I'm carrying.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Owen's Here!

I just wanted to announe the birth of Owen Glen Sanders on Tuesday, February 5th. He was born at 10:54 am and weighed 7 pounds, & was 21 inches tall.
Sorry it's taken so long to post, but I've been couped up in my room a lot with Owen for 2 and a half weeks! Ryan got sick the day Owen was born & Clint tested positive for RSV the following Monday. So, we've been trying to keep the big boys away from the little one. It's looking like we'll be able to come out of hiding within the next little while.
Anyway, we're so happy Owen's here & all is going well with him. He's a great baby! He's very calm when he's awake & he sleeps great at night already!

Talk to you all later!!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cloth Diapers

I'm not sure how many of you check my family blog, so I wanted to put a plug here for cloth diapers. I'm sure most of you are reading this and rolling your eyes, thinking I'm nuts, and that's okay.

A few weeks ago, I read a blog where this young mother listed all her reasons for choosing to cloth diaper her son, who is now 15 months old. For some reason, all her reasons made sense to me. Before reading that blog, I never in a million years would have ever considered using cloth diapers on Tanner or my other future children. I had this notion of cloth diapers being those flat, square pieces of cloth that you had to fold and pin and cover with rubber pants. Then, when you had to change the diaper, you had to swish it out in the toilet. But, cloth diapering has come a long way.

Although they still make diapers like in the old days, the covers aren't rubbery anymore. They even have new styles, my favorite of which is the pocket style diapers (very similar to disposables). After reading this blog, talking to my sister-in-law who was getting ready to cloth diaper her sons, and doing a lot of research on the Internet, I decided to try it out. I bought a pocket diaper sampler package from It came with five different brands and it helped me figure out which brands work best for my lifestyle and on Tanner. So far, the bum genius brand is my favorite. See how cute they are?

Anyway, if any of you are interested in cloth diapers, let me know and I will be happy to answer any of your questions as best I can. Also, if you already cloth diaper, you should let me know!


Friday, February 1, 2008

I probably won't get into this... but here it goes

I'm not up to speed when it comes to blogs, and I guess I don't find my life so interesting that other people would want to read it in their spare time.

John and I on our wedding day, 17th of April 2007.

Life has changed drastically for me and my husband. But we are excited about what lies ahead.

John now has to get used to living in Utah, after 36 1/2 years of living near Cape Town, South Africa. He has given up everything for me and is the most wonderful man in the whole universe.

We do have an anouncement to make, after a difficult miscarriage in October, I have "fallen pregnant" as the say in ZA and we are expecting the next generation Bromberger at the end of July. My sister in law has the exact same due date so our child will have a cousin very close in age.

Life is moving forward. It is so nice to see pictures of all of you and all of those babies! I have finally caught up to you all!

I hope you are all well.

~ Laura Packer Bromberger

Still Preggie!!

Hi! Sorry it's been so long since I've given an update!! & sorry to make everyone wonder if Baby has arrived yet. No, he's not here yet, but I'm definately thinking he'll be arriving any day now. He will for sure be born on February 12th, (his due date), if he doesn't come sooner! I will keep you posted.
All is going well here. We've had kind of a crummy sick winter season with both Ryan & Clint hanging on to a cold for about 3 or 4 weeks straight, & then Chet getting sick too. But besides that, the boys have had fun playing in the snow & shoveling the driveway with their dad. Oh, & we're the proud new owners of a huge GMC YukonXL, (just like a Chevy Suburban). I was sorry to have to get rid of our favorite Camry, but 3 carseats just wouldn't fit in it. Ryan misses "our red car" a lot too, but he really likes riding up high in the Yukon. Clint could care less. Chet hasn't even driven it since his test drive in mid-January since he's at work all day & drives rental cars wherever he goes. It's been fun to drive a big car around (except parking), & it reminds me of my days at the Mosquito Abatement driving around trucks all day.

I just remembered about our spur-of-the-moment trip to San Fransisco in November. Chet had a four day weekend so we hopped in the rental and drove to California, with a stop in Reno, Nevada. We'd both never been there before so it was fun to go to the peir, ride the trolley up the hilly city, visit the Ghiradelli Chocolate factory, & see some aquatic life. We thought we were driving on the Golden Gate bridge once, but realized afterward that it was the Bay bridge. We'll have to go back again some day to see the real thing & swim in the water since it was freezing & filled with oil from an oil spill. It was fun, despite the long drive & the boys being sick yet again.

It's been fun to see cute pictures of you guys & your families! Terre, I agree with Brooke--you can tell Bennett & Kylar are related!! They're both soo cute! And Nick & Lorie, your little one is definately yours too! Claire is darling! Keep up the picture updates everyone!!

Well, that's about it for me--not too exciting, I know. I'll try to post some pictures of our little one (possibly named Owen Glen unless Chet can think of a different name) when he arrives!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Posting Music

Hey all
I have learned a cool way to post music on our blog. I think we can all add to the playlist that I created so I will be emailing you guys telling you what the password is so that we can all put our music on their.

So we can listen and post at the same time. And it is so much fun looking at pictures with music in the background.

Hope this helps everyone post again.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bennett the attention seeker

Hey guys, so how come no one is blogging anymore?? I know I have been a slacker, but what about everyone else?
Anyways not a lot has been going on here, at least nothing exciting. Today we had to speak in church, which i totally dreaded, but luckily it went well for us. Since we have our 2 little ones we just sat in the front so one could watch the kiddos while the other spoke and they did great until it was my turn to go up to speak and Bennett wanted to be right there with me. So he came almost to the podium while I was speaking before Derek whisked him away to the foyer. Then I didn't do such a great job of keeping Bennett under control while Derek spoke because he was all over the stage (or whatever you call it) and going by Derek and the bishopric and climbing on the chairs and at one point Derek was holding him while he was giving his talk and Bennett just had the hugest grin of all time because he was so excited to have so many people looking at him, it was priceless and then he saw me and was like "Mama" So he came back down and sat with me. I just wish I could've gotten a picture of it.

Anyways things are going well down here. I can't believe we've been here almost a year now and that Bennett will be 2 in about 2 weeks! CRAZY how time flies! I know I've mentioned how I have been making hairbows and headbands, but I'm trying get a website going and finding other things to make and sell to make some money. So if any of you have any good ideas, please let me know. My friend and I are working on doing it together so hopefully it will go well for us.

I'm also on a Women's committee for a new development out here, which is a lot of fun. We get to give input on the floor plans, what we want at the parks, and what amenitites the community will have. It will be similar to Daybreak if you guys are familiar with that, so hopefully by next year we will be living in that area! We're really looking forward to it.

I hope all is well with everyone and I can't wait to here more about everybody...SOON!!

Friday, January 18, 2008


Does anyone know if Janneen has had her baby yet? I know I should just call and ask her, but I don't want to bother her if she has a newborn.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Claire at 6 months...

Hey cows,

Haven't heard from any of ya in a while. Hope that all is well. Nothing new to report. Christmas was a blast! We had a good break from Logan and spent a lot of time with family. Claire is 6 months old today. I can't believe that she is that old. It has been like six minutes..... under water!! Just kidding. We love her a lot. She was a hard baby at first, but she has completely changed and is just so much fun now.

Lorie is getting into making cards out of scrapbook stuff. I am trying to get into my homework, but that is hard. I have been working out with Jake (whenever he shows up!) and mostly just hang out with the fam.

Thanks for listening. Hope to hear from all y'all. Nick

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Calling All Kaysville Cows

Okay folks, it seems that this blog is starting to slip to the back burner for many of you. I check it everyday hoping that someone has updated it. So, this is my call for those of you who haven't posted in a while to update us on how you're doing. How were the holidays for you? Any plans for the new year? Any new babies (Janneen, this means you)? Any new baby announcements? Did anyone graduate, change jobs?

Josh and I hope to find you all well and happy in this new year!
