Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, this is probably a big shocker for everyone and I bet a lot of you thought it would never happen, but, I'm engaged! First of all, let me tell you about the love of my life, McKenzie Lawyer. Well, she's pretty much amazing all around evidenced by the fact that she can put up with me! She is graduating from BYU this April (as am I!) and plans to get a masters degree in Public Administration. She is one smart cookie, funny, and beautiful too! I don't know how I got so lucky! I proposed on March 8th at the southwest corner of the Salt Lake Temple. We will be married there on May 23, 2008. We hope to see all of you there at the reception in Salt Lake later that day!! I don't have much time now, so I'll post again with the engagement story and how we met when I get a few minutes. I'll also have to put up some pictures of us. So, see you all soon!

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