Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How about a party!!!

Hello my friends of the Kaysville Cow. This is Jenni. This is my very first post to this blog and I am now repenting, I never had the user name or password. So from what I hear many of us will be in K-town for Memorial Day Weekend. I was wondering who would have time to get together, eat some ice cream & cake and chat about the good old days. Please leave a comment either way and if your information has changed since we last talked please email me your info at beanbond@gmail.com. I really want to see everyone so please try to respond somehow.

See you next month! Jenni =)

Oh and Happy Birthday Brooke!!!


Ryan said...

I was actually just thinking the same thing! It's been a while since I've seen anyone. Kenz and I will be leaving for DC probably the beginning of May, so we probably won't make it for Memorial Day. But, if anyone wants to do a party earlier, or in August, that would be great!

The Bond Clan said...

What day in May are you leaving? We were planning on getting back in town May 23 but we may be able to come home earlier. Another party in August is also good by us.
Jenni =)

Ryan said...

Most likely we'll be leaving around the 5th. Will you guys be here for the summer? What are your plans?

The Bond Clan said...

The 5th is a little early for us to get back in time. We are done with Pennsylvania. Brad is graduating and we are moving back to the west where we can get free rent and help out our families until he finds a job.

Brooke said...

A get-together around Memorial Day sounds good to us! Another one in August sounds good too. We'll be in San Diego until May 12th. Have fun in DC, Ryan!

Terre said...

I will be up for Memorial Weekend, so I am in! I will also be up next weekend April 17th if anyone wants to get together. August should be good too =)